_this breath is not mine to keep is a provocative CACD multi-art experiment linking climate crisis, delusions of supremacy and the existential joy of life.
We are witnessing the extinction of our world, yet we continue to fuel our demise. What is the sound of annihilation, how do we enshrine memories, dissolve our delusions, what gift can sorrow bring? Collectively how can we reframe our addiction to a 5-planet culture?
_this breath at Signal Point Jan 2021. Photo: Johanis Lyons-Reid. ©2021 Change Media
During 50 workshops, co-led by 26 artists and over 100 participants from Ngarrindjeri, diverse and regional communities, we create evocative sculptures, performances, bio-art, poetry, soundscapes and digital projections, to explore 10 stages of grief. Audiences choose their own journey on an arts trail linking four regional and metropolitan SA exhibitions with online and print publications.
Find out more at www.thisbreath.space/